ABUNDANT 品牌和包装设计

Categories: Brand Identity / Packaging / Watercolor
Art Director: Bryan Satalino
Photography: Austen Hart

Philabundance is a non-profit organization that dedicates to ending hunger and food insecurity in Philadelphia. These products are sold to the average consumers by a high-end grocer. The profits used from these goods goes towards helping collect “ugly food” (perishables that are still good, but are destined to be waste) and distribute to the hungry.

I had the pleasure of partnering with Philabundance to help rebrand their food products—dill pickle, yogurt, dried fruit and cheese. I named it Abundant to show plenty of food goes around the hungry and created “Thoughtfully Made” as a slogan that represents the high quality of their products.


这个项目是跟他们合作,为他们的四种产品(腌黄瓜、酸奶、干果、芝士)做一套完整的品牌视觉设计,如重起企业名称、标志设计、标准字体、标准色、产品包装设计和一套VI手册。我将这个品牌起名为Abundant,意为食物充足,可以帮到所有需要帮助的人,并且想了 “Thoughtfully Made” (精心制作)作为广告语,代表他们高质量的生产能力。


BRANCHES 品牌设计(美国社会性设计项目课题研究)


The Japanese Romance 插画包装设计