Hmong Stories 儿童玩具设计

Categories: Wood Toy Design / Illustration /
Narrative / Educational Interaction
Art Director: Bryan Satalino
Photography: Yige Zhang

Hmong Stories is a set of educational story-building toy. The concept is telling the myths and legends of the minority Hmong to American children. I used their elements to illustrate four Hmong stories. In the set of toy, there are a total of four cubes and each side of the cubes has a narrative scene (except tops and bottoms), every four scenes form a complete story. I respectively used a color to represent each story and marked each scene with a number. And I also designed an instruction booklet with story text. Children should build stories based on the guide of the booklet, the colors and the numbers. I hope children enjoy learning Hmong culture by this playful way.

Hmong Stories(苗族故事)是一套具有教育意义的讲故事的玩具。它的概念是把苗族的神话传说讲述给美国的小朋友,我的设计灵感来源于一个可惜的事实:苗族是一个只有语言没有文字的民族,他们的文字在5000年的流浪中丢失了,于是聪明的苗族人就把他们的文化和故事刺绣在衣服上,以此流传下来。我选择了几个有趣的故事,并从苗绣中提取了很多元素,重新为这些故事绘制了插画。我分别用一个颜色代表一个故事,并把这些故事情节拆开,小朋友可以在家长的帮助下通过我设计的故事书来匹配故事的情节顺序,构成一个完整的故事。(本作品的故事和元素参考均来源于《中国贵州民族民间美术精粹·刺绣》)

The Dog Gains the Seeds 狗取粮种

One evening, in a Hmong village, the granary caught fire and the grain was all burned. The seeds floated to the sky with the smoke as well. The sky and the earth were separated by a sky river so that the mortals could not swim through it and take their seeds back. However, their dogs could. Then, people asked one of their dogs to swim across the sky river and take five-inch-long stalks and five-feet-long spikes. But when the dog arrived the sky, he remembered people’s request wrong. What he took was five-inch-long spikes and five-feet-long stalks. Although the dog made a mistake on the way, people were still grateful for him. Until now, dogs are still Hmong people’s good friends.


The Epoch 开天辟地

One day, after the sky and the earth appeared, the sky fell to the ground and people could not live normally. At this time, a good monster, Fufang, supported the clouds by his back. Then, his owner, a Hmong hero Paopa, split the cloud by his axe and it float to the sky. Finally, the sky and the earth completely separated as they are now. People were happy and never worried the sky would fall to the earth again.


The Tale of the Dragon Boat Races 龙船节传说

A long time ago, there was a warrior named Paul in a Hmong village. One day, his son was playing by a river, but a dragon in the water discovered the boy. Then, he dragged the boy into the river because he wanted the boy to be his pillow. After Paul heard this bad news, he became very sad and angry. In order to avenge his son, he dove into the water and killed the evil dragon. People felt very happy when they knew the monster was killed. Therefore, they made many canoes by the imagery of the dragon and held Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate their hero.


Shooting the Suns and the Moons 射日射月

The god made twelve suns and twelve moons. But when they appeared together, people could not tolerate such high temperature. Then, they decided to ask a giant to shoot eleven suns and eleven moons, and this job took him eleven years to finish. After knowing this news, the last sun and the last moon turned to be very scared. Hence, they escaped and hid so that people could not find them anywhere. Many a few days, the last sun and the last moon appeared again with a rooster crowing on a stone. Finally, people’ s life was regained as well as the sun and the moon would never worry to be shot.



Ocean Light 玩具设计